Can I work while receiving a Pension?
Yes, if no contributions are received by the Administration Office, your pension income is unaffected. If contributions are paid on your behalf and the Administration Office receives 175 or more hours, your pension income is stopped and re-started when you advise you are no longer working and all contributions have been received.
What happens to my Pension if I move out of the Country?
Your pension will continue to be paid no matter where you live. The tax rate for pensions paid to non-residents is between 0% to 25%. Your pension will be paid in Canadian dollars. A cheque will be mailed to you. Direct deposit can only be made to bank account in Canada. You will receive an NR4 from us instead of a T4A for tax purposes.
Can my pension be direct deposited outside of Canada?
No, we can only offer direct deposits to banks in Canada.
Can I have more income tax deducted?
Yes, to increase the amount of tax deducted, please contact us.
When will I receive my Pension Cheque and/or Direct Deposit?
Cheques are mailed on the 22nd of every month.
Direct Deposits are released and in your bank account by the 25th of every month
(if the 25th falls on a weekend the deposit will occur on the Monday following).
How do I change my Banking Information or Address?
You can complete the Authorization for Direct Deposit and send it direct to the Administration Office. It is best to attach a copy of a void cheque in order that the Administation Office has all correct numbers required.
You can fax, write or email the Administration Office at;
Alberta Sheet Metal Workers' Retirement Trust Fund
Suite 100, 8905 - 51 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T6E 5J3
Phone Number: (780) 466 1999
Fax Number: (780) 466 2095
Email Address:
Can a member transfer all of his/her pension benefits to his/her spouse or former spouse?
Benefits are not assignable.
A pensioner died. What do I do about their pension?
Please contact us regarding the deceased pensioner and we will advise of any documents required. Any survivor pension paid is based on what option was chosen at retirement. The Certificate of Pension issued on retirement provides the details of benefits paid on death.
Is there a Funeral Benefit?
Yes, in the event of your death, your Spouse will receive a one time payment equal to six times the monthly pension income you were receiving prior to your death, to a minimum of $500 and a maximum of $2,000. If you leave no surviving spouse the benefit is paid to your Estate.
I have not received my T4A. How can I get a copy?
Call the Administration Office and we will send you a copy. Originals are always sent by the end of January each year.
Can I change my Beneficiary After Retirement?
If you have chosen a Joint and Last Survivor option, your beneficiary, being your Spouse at the time of retirement, cannot be changed. If your Spouse has predeceased you, your pension will cease on your death. If you have chosen a Single Life Option you can change your beneficiary if your guaranteed period has not expired.
I am widow/widower and receive a survivor pension. Will I lose my pension if I remarry?
No, survivor benefits do not cease on marriage.
100-8905 51 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T6E 5J3
Telephone: 780-466-1999
Fax: 780-466-2095
Copyright © 2018 Alberta Sheet Metal Workers' Retirement Trust Fund - All Rights Reserved.