How do I change my beneficiary?
It is very important to keep the Plan up-to-date with your desired named beneficiary. Forms are available by calling our office, the Local 8 office or by clicking the link below and sending the form to us. If you are unsure of who your beneficiary is, please call the office.
What happens if I die before I retire?
In the event of your death before your pension payment commences:
In the event of your death, after your pension payments commence, payments shall be governed by the form of pension you elect when you retire.
What is the definition of Spouse?
"Spouse" is a person who has rights to your pension in accordance with pension legislation and who, at the relative time, is;
a) someone that you are married to and to whom you have not been living separate and apart for 3 or more consecutive years, or
b) if there is no person to whom subsection (a) applies, someone you have been living with in a conjugal (common-law) relationship;
i. for a continuous period of at least 3 years, or
ii. of some permanence, if there is a child of the relationship by birth or adoption.
What happens if I became disabled while Active?
You can apply for disability pension credits if you are disabled for six months. If your application is approved, the Plan will pay contributions on your behalf back to the date of your disability based on the average pension you earned over the 5 years before disability occured. The disability credits continue as long as you remain disabled or until the earlier of retirement or death. You will not receive a disability income from the Plan, but your future retirement income will continue to increase as if you were working.
100-8905 51 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T6E 5J3
Telephone: 780-466-1999
Fax: 780-466-2095
Copyright © 2018 Alberta Sheet Metal Workers' Retirement Trust Fund - All Rights Reserved.